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A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas


What is DISS?

DISS is a geospatial repository of tectonic, fault, and paleoseismological information expressly devoted, but not limited, to potential applications in assessing earthquake hazards at the regional and national scales.

  • It represents faults in 3D;

  • all its records are fully parameterized;

  • it tends to completeness.

The core objects of DISS are:

  • The individual seismogenic source, a simplified and three-dimensional representation of a rectangular fault plane. Individual seismogenic sources are assumed to exhibit "characteristic" behavior with respect to rupture length/width and expected magnitude.

  • The composite seismogenic source, a simplified and three-dimensional representation of a crustal fault containing an unspecified number of seismogenic sources that cannot be singled out. Composite seismogenic sources are not associated with a specific set of earthquakes or earthquake distribution.

  • The debated seismogenic source is an active fault that has been proposed in the literature as a potential seismogenic source but was not considered reliable enough or its parameters could not be constrained in order for it to be included in any of the other categories.

  • The subduction system, a simplified and three-dimensional reconstruction of the complex subduction system. It is mainly represented by the depth contours of the subducted slab. Like composite seismogenic sources, subduction systems are not associated with a specific set of earthquakes or earthquake distribution.

Inside DISS

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