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A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas



Current and previous DISS versions

All DISS releases are freely accessible. The data are available in various desktop-GIS file formats and OGC web services. Users must be aware that the persistence of information of any individual version is granted for parametric data only. All support information (commentaries, pictures, and references) may be modified without notice. The downloadable files are made available to ensure the reproducibility of elaborations and compatibility of applications that used any previous database version as far back as 2001. A persistent identifier (DOI) has been minted for each version, and a detailed description of updates and amendments accompanies each successive release.

Unless otherwise noted, all the DISS versions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Contact us to request additional permissions to use the work granted by this license. Permission to use the DISS data is granted subject to full acknowledgement of the source.

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The Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS), the original software and all related texts and elaborations were prepared by researchers of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. The Database includes a large amount of original and published material on the main seismogenic sources of Italy together with background geographical, seismological, geological, and tectonic information, and is freely available to all interested parties. The Database was designed as a "work in progress", and as such, it is open to later additions and improvements. For these reasons and due to its intrinsic nature, the Database cannot be guaranteed to be complete, accurate and updated in any part, and will be subjected to successive revisions. Although the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia makes every effort to supply the best available information on seismogenic processes, no warranty, expressed or implied, is provided as to the accuracy and reliability of all the data supplied in the Database. Users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the data and information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or in relation to business involving substantial financial or operational consequences. Conclusions drawn from this Database, or actions undertaken on the basis of its contents, are the sole responsibility of the user.


Web Services
Accompanying notes

3.3.0 current

Version completed and published in December 2021
Database published in April 2018 (database content completed in July 2016)
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Version completed and published in June 2015
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Version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S1 (published July 2010)
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Version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S1 (published June 2009)
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Final version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S2 (published October 2007)
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Version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S2 (published July 2007)
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Version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S2 (published September 2006)
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Version developed in the framework of the project INGV-DPC S2 (published November 2005)
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Preliminary version of v. 3.x mainly devoted to technical tests (published January 2005)
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First version intended for general release via CD-ROM (published December 2001)
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Beta version distributed within the scientific community for revision and feedback (July 2000)
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