What’s new in DISS 3.3.0
- New Composite Seismogenic Sources (CSSs)
- New Individual Seismogenic Sources (ISSs)
- Significant updates of CSSs and ISSs located
- in the offshore of SW and SE of Sicily
- in the offshore of SE Apulia
- in the area of the 2016-17, Central Italy earthquake sequence, and
- in its prolongation towards the NW
- A new SubDuction Source (SDS) beneath the central and northern Apennines
- A review and update of the already existing SDS located beneath the Calabrian Arc
- New maximum Mw for CSSs and SDSs, based on state-of-the-art scaling relations
- a brand-new website, featuring
- an improved, versatile, powerful yet user-friendly Web Mapper