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A compilation of potential sources for earthquakes larger than M 5.5 in Italy and surrounding areas


Area of Relevance

The DISS Working Group's priority is to make quality-checked information about seismogenic faulting available for a large region that includes Italy and its surroundings. This region is called the "Area of Relevance" (AoR). The AoR extent varied with time and with the various database versions. The AoR extent is primarily linked to the need to identify potential sources of seismic shaking that may affect Italy and has to be intended to indicate the area where we dedicate most of our efforts. We outline the extent using three buffers around the Italian border, each with increasing widths. The first, 100 km wide, marks the highest priority region. The second, 200 km wide, designates an intermediate priority area. Finally, the third, 300 km wide, signifies the least priority region. These buffers are depicted on the web mapper as red, yellow, and green lines, respectively. However, we also explore seismogenic faults outside this area because, for example, they may represent potential sources for tsunamis that can propagate across the Mediterranean Sea, or they may be an important part of a geodynamic unit.

Area of Relevance
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